The LPA is always looking for volunteers in any of the below committees. If you have a special talent or skill, we would love to be able to utilize that as well!
LPA Committees
Casino Night: (Senior only event) Casino Night is a tradition celebrated by seniors and their parents and is held on graduation night from 11:00pm to 3:00am. This event is fun and keeps our graduates safe. Students play various casino-style games using play money. After the games are over, students are served breakfast while parents determine the rankings of the students by their winnings. Each graduate goes home with a prize.
Catholic Schools Week: A week is set aside in January or February to reinforce the meaning of Catholicism and its values. Activities are planned for the students throughout the week including a guest speaker and a mass with all Catholic Schools in Shreveport. A lunch is served for the teachers one day.
Class Representatives: Each class has two representatives who serve as “room parents” and assist with various activities throughout the school year. These activities include assisting with class retreats, Teacher Appreciation Week and arranging for volunteers and chaperones when needed. Each grade is also assigned a specific event to “host” for the school.
Freshman: Host and assist the administration with the Freshman Fire-Up, an event for incoming freshman held in May of each year. Coordinate homecoming activities for the freshman including location for pre-event pictures, dinner, the homecoming dance, and post-event breakfast, plus bus transportation to each activity.
Sophomore: Sophomore reps serve as chairs for the Kickoff Supper held in August. Sophomore parents do all the planning, preparation, and serving. This event serves as an opportunity to socialize with new families and old friends after school has started. There is also a mini all-sports pep rally to get us in the Flyer spirit before football begins. Volunteers are needed for set up, decorations and serving. Clean-up is usually done by the Key Club for service hours.
Junior: Help the Trivia Night chairperson organize Junior Parent volunteers for Trivia Night, a night of trivia for parents, faculty, alumni and guests in which dinner is served and cash prizes are awarded. No students are allowed.
Senior: Assist the Casino Night Chairman with the Seniors’ farewell event.
Comfort and Care: This is a support system for the Loyola family providing comfort and care during times of emergency or crisis. The LPA provides meals, cards, or other expressions of our concerns. Volunteers are called upon as needed.
Homecoming: This committee plans Homecoming festivities associated with the pep rally, court publicity and court presentations. This includes hanging banners in the gym for the pep rally on Thursday then transporting those banners to Messmer Stadium for the game on Friday. Additional duties include decorating the gym for the court presentation, decorating the platform located at the stadium for court seating, planning for and coordinating any half-time decorations for the court presentations.
Hospitality: This committee is responsible for the show of appreciation given to our teachers and staff during the school year. It includes the organization of meals, parties and gifts for the faculty and staff during the Christmas holidays, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Back to School Week. Volunteers are needed during these times to set-up, provide desserts, host events and clean up.
Moms in Prayer: A prayer group that meets monthly and shares inspiration from the Bible with reflections. Day, time and location TBA
Rosary Group: This group is open to all and prays the rosary for the needs of the students, administration, faculty and parents. It meets on Fridays at 11:30 in the Chapel in the Residence Building.
Special Events: This committee helps serve refreshments for various school events such as nighttime Parent’s Association Meetings, Preview Nights, Career Day, College Fair, and any other special events that arise.
Style Show: The Loyola Style Show is a time honored tradition honoring the senior class. It is LPA’s biggest fundraiser, usually held in early November. The senior class models clothing provided by local retailers in a style show setting. This is a large production and the chairmen set up their own committees to handle all event functions.
Trivia Night: This event is a Junior Class function and LPA’s second largest fundraiser. Volunteers are needed for planning, hosting and clean-up. Trivia night is designed to be a fun, friendly atmosphere for adults to socialize while engaging in good-natured competition for the support of our school.
Uniform Closet: This committee maintains gently worn donated uniforms in the Anderson building which are available to be purchased during school hours for a nominal fee. Items accepted include blazers, polos, plaid skirts, and ties.